Worm with Glasses

Coding • DevOps • Personal

May 4, 2023

Yggdrasil VPN

I’m trying to work outside my home office more, but all my email is hosted on my home server. While disconnecting is nice, not having access when I need it has sucked.

Enter yggdrasil!

After installing on my laptop (MacOS) and my desktop (Ubuntu) I updated .ssh/config with my desktop’s IPv6 address and was able to SSH via IPv6 over my local network. Perfect!

Step two: install on a server with a public IP. One more service running on my Digital Ocean instance.

I’m not interested, at the moment, with joining the full yggdrasil network, so I configured my public instance to only allow peering from my laptop and desktop’s public keys:

  AllowedPublicKeys: [

On the public server, I listen via TLS rather than plain TCP. It’s slightly slower, but also slightly more secure. Since I’m not moving a lot of traffic over the connection, the extra security is worth it to me:

  Listen: [

I couldn’t find a recommended port to listen on, so I picked a random number. 🤣

(The only “gotcha” was remembering to open the firewall for yggdrasil.)

Ramces Red’s article about yggdrasil has more information about installing and configuring a basic VPN.

Jan 30, 2023

Lazy Loading Neovim Plugins

A couple of weeks ago I decided to redo my Neovim configuration and lean into Lua. The goal was to optimize startup performance and improve usability.

Follow along with my neovim dotfiles repo

For years, I used Plug to manage my vim plugins, but after seeing TJ DeVries experiment with lazy.nvim, I decided to go all in!

By far, the biggest challenge was learning Lua 5.1. All the scripting languages I’ve used in the past (Ruby, Perl, Python) emphasize a “batteries included” approach. Lua, in contrast, felt like I had to assemble everything from tiny parts.

Once I got past the Lua hurdle, the rest of the conversion was straightforward. Most of the time I could swap out Vimscript with neovim Lua API methods via a regexp.

I’m pleased with the results. Startup time is faster, there are fewer weird bugs, and I understand all the configurations.

Jan 8, 2023

Function Key Snipping with Raycast

Max Gorin posted You’re using function keys wrong where he describes using function keys as a quick launcher!

So, here’s the trick: assign each of your top-12 most used apps to an F-key.

Max uses KeyboardMaestro to show/hide the apps, but we can do the same with Raycast (which I already use, and it’s free.)

Step 1

I have a 2019 MacBook Pro with Touchbar so the first change is to always display the function keys.

Within System Settings/Keyboard and Touch Bar Settings change:

  • Touch Bar Shows to “F1, F2, etc. Keys”
  • Press and hold fn key to “Show Expanded Control Strip”
Screenshot of macOS Touch Bar Preferences

Step 2

Install Raycast

Step 3

Open Raycast (I use ⌘Space), find the application you want to assign to a function key, and go into application configuration (using ⌘⇧,)

Raycast Application Settings Screen

Hit Record Hotkey and assign it to whatever Fn you want!

For example: